October 23rd, 2024

(Updated December 23rd, 2024)


Hello Everyone, 

The first ever nominations and elections for Sisters of Iron Women’s Committee Officers are coming up and we would love to have you be a part of the process and our community. Our committee was started in 2017 at the helm of our founding sister whom set forth a strong foundation of leadership and community that has grown over the years, passing on this legacy. Because of our growth, we adopted By-Laws to become an officially recognized Subcommittee of Local 29. We organize meetings and events to develop trade, life, social and problem-solving skills to assist women with the completion of the apprenticeship program and move into positions of leadership. Also, many sisters have developed close friendships as a result. Our trade can be difficult but whether it is an Ironworker’s first day or the end of retirement, our hope is to be a supportive framework of diverse perspectives, experiences and voices to assist to help make the time with Local 29 productive and positive.


We are changing to reflect our growth and the need for more structure. Our current committee of officers were appointed members which has brought us so very far with providing support and a positive framework for sisters to come together. The hope is that with this new process of nominations and elections, we will have the structure and format to create and achieve more outreach and leadership growth goals and provide ample opportunities for community connection. We are reaching out to keep you informed and be a part of the nominations and elections process and hope you will join us in whatever measure is meaningful for you. Attached are the Sisters of Iron By-Laws and Roles and Responsibilities of Officers documents. We are very excited about the adoption of having our own By-Laws which were created after the review of several other sister committee By-Laws and dozens of hours of dialogue between Union Officers and Committee Officers to shape the most relevant format for our Local. Below are excerpts taken from them to help you learn about the nominations and election process for our Committee.


We have updated the sistersofiron.org website to include a tab with a copy of this election email, calendar with upcoming events and By-Laws.


Share your voice and build community within our trade.  



Elections are held in person at the Hall, per ByLaws, the 2nd Sunday which is SUNDAY JANUARY 12th, 2025 at 12PM. To vote for Officer Positions you must be present in person at the Hall and a local union member in Good Standing. Votes will be by Secret Ballot, using the same method used with Local 29 Officers. Below in turquoise blue are instructions and details. 



From the By-Laws of the Sisters of Iron Committee 



1) Nominations  

a) Any Local 29 Member in good standing may be eligible for nomination of position within the Sisters Committee.  

(1) Nominations of Chair and Vice Chair of the Sisters Committee must be only for a female Journeyman in good standing and have attended a minimum of five (5) Sisters meetings in the past year, unless voted on otherwise or has participated in make-up opportunities. These opportunities may include but are not limited to:  taking an IMPACT or Sisters workshop or class; and/or volunteering for a Local 29 activity. 

(2) Nominations of Treasurer must be only for a Journeyman in good standing. 

(3) If a Treasurer is voted into position, there will be 2 additional trustees voted in and appointed to oversee any financial activities.  A Trustee may be either a Journeyman or an Apprentice in good standing. 

(4) Nominations of Recording Secretary may include either Journeymen or Apprentices in good standing. 

b) Nomination of officers shall be conducted at the regular committee meeting prior to elections during the first meeting in January and once every two (2) years thereafter. 


Nominees and Officers need to meet these criteria: 

- ChairJourneyman, Female, attended 5 SOI Meetings, in good standing 

- Vice-Chair: Journeyman, Female, attended 5 SOI Meetings, in good standing 

- Recording Secretary: Journeyman or Apprentice (in final 2 terms, attended 2 SOI Business Meetings), in good standing 

- Treasurer: Journeyman, in good standing 

- Trustee: Journeyman or Apprentice, in good standing 

- Trustee: Journeyman or Apprentice, in good standing 


Instructions for Elections: 

Officers will be elected by members of the committee pursuant to the method outlined in the Sisters of Iron ByLaws and are subject to approval by the Local 29 President. Votes will be cast by Secret Ballot, counted after all ballots are collected and announced directly after counting of the ballots. 

2) Elections  

a) Election of officers shall be by secret ballot and held within the committee during a regular scheduled meeting. The Recording Secretary shall prepare the candidates’ names and offices in the proper position on ballot cards. Such election shall be held every two (2) years on the second Sunday of the month commencing January 2025, or the first meeting of the year, at the designated committee meeting location, or as needed to fill any vacancies that may arise.  

b) Any local union member in good standing will be allowed to vote in the election of officers inside this committee.  


Respectfully Yours,

Willow Ryan, Co-Chair

JIW #1536358



"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much." - Helen Keller